Tag Archives: Morality

Still moving in

Well, the painters are almost all finished. Hopefully they’ll have done by the end of tomorrow. I won’t be sorry, even if they’re as nice a bunch of lads as you could come across, but mainly because the paint fumes will begin to subside and my cough will have an excuse to go away.

Of course this means Mrs S will still be fussing over what goes on what wall when and finessing the rug positioning, but that will go on well past our next state visit when ‘North’ comes over for Christmas.

The big news here at Chez Maison Sticker is that I have cracked meringue. After years of ending up with awful soggy slop on top of my apple and lemon tarts, I have finally found how to create the crunchy crusty pavlova type sweetness from thoroughly whipped (Ooh Matron!) egg whites, lemon juice and caster sugar.

For each egg white you will require a half teaspoon of lemon juice and 50g (A shade under 2 ounces). And an electric hand whisk, or this will be very hard work, or a good excuse to work up bit of body heat during one of the threatened power brownouts soon to be coming our way.

Very simple; whip the whites and add the sugar and lemon juice until you have a creamy froth that stands up on its own. Bung onto greaseproof paper in an oven preheated to gas mark 2 / 150 Celsius / 302 Fahrenheit. Turn oven down to gas mark 1 / 140 Celsius / 280 Fahrenheit immediately after closing the door. Now go away for an hour and a quarter. Upon your return, switch off the oven and let it cool for a couple of hours until your oven is cold. Then, and only then, remove the whisked whites. Do not open the oven before then.

Upon retrieval, there should be a residual gooiness in the centre, but the rest should be crisp, sweet and crunchy as sin. They’re that good that Mrs S has forbidden me to do meringues more than once a month.

What else? The Pfizer mRNA debacle continues. See below. We’ve been, as I have so often said, misinformed, our simple liberties trashed because vested interests had a product to sell. Now people are asking questions, more importantly EU politicians are asking questions.

Now all we need are some truthful answers, which I suspect we already know the answers to. By the way, here’s a word we should all get used to using more when referring to the hand wavers and misinformers.


 verb (bi/trey)


  1.  to give information about somebody/something to an enemy
    •  betray somebody/something He was offered money to betray his colleagues.
    •  the politician betrayed his voters by denying their freedom

Noun: Betrayal

Past tense: Betrayed

The Germans have a wonderfully Teutonic word; Verraten.

Oh well, the fallout begins. Now you can’t say you don’t live in interesting times, can you?

Cancel culture

Well, two can play at that game. Both my PayPal accounts are now closed. Not that I’ve been making any use of them of late.

For me it was their attack on Toby Youngs Free Speech Union that made me perform the long overdue chore to get rid of both moribund accounts. Not the “We will nick $2,500 from your accounts if you say anything we don’t like online” policy that got leaked by some fat fingered fool. Which I think is a straw in the wind, showing how their minds work.

As a platform, I always felt that PayPal took too much and offered too little in return. For anything new I’ll just use my regular credit cards and accounts. There’s no point in keeping an avenue open that can be summarily used against you at someone else’s whim. Any financial service that threatens to cut your account because it doesn’t like your politics isn’t worth spit to me. Money should be free of politics. It should be the means of exchange, nothing more.

As for ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’, most of the misinformation I see is from the institutions and those who PayPal claims authority, not from any reputable immunologist or even some pleb down the pub.

The information about the mRNA ‘vaccines’ for example. Who has been the biggest purveyor of bad information? Who insisted their vaccines would limit spread significantly? Who never tested for this? Who stopped doctors using cheap anti-viral treatments and instead mandated intubation and steroids (There’s a kill or cure treatment). Take your time. Don’t even start me on masks or lockdowns. Although I’ve said my piece on those many times before. The very people PayPal et al cites as unimpeachable sources.

Well, PayPal has been one of the Silicon Valley Greek chorus which has worked as the enforcement arm of big Government and the big pharmaceutical companies. Without their “We know best” attitude we’d have dodged two major bullets, firstly the current inflationary crisis caused by governments paying people not to work and splurging huge amounts of cash on insufficiently tested treatments, also the epidemic of ‘vaccine’ side effects currently coming at us like a train with no brakes.

COVID would be way behind us in the rear view mirror of history without their interventions. Like the ’68 Asian flu or any of the dozen or so respiratory epidemics since then. As for the comparison between the ‘Spanish’ flu epidemic, that’s not comparing like for like. 21st century westerners are cleaner, better housed and fed then in the early years of the last century, all of which would naturally mitigate the effects of any comparative disease. People living in unhygienic conditions with poor nutrition, as many people were in the early 20th century, tend to be immunocompromised.

But none of this matters to the chief disinformers, The TV talking heads and the clickbait hungry editorial staff behind them. Nor to the weak politicians who sentenced hundreds of thousands to an untimely death by mistaking the media and mathematical modellers for reputable sources.

So I’m not going to shed any tears over PayPal’s possible demise. True, it was one of Musk’s better brainchildren, but like with so much of Silicon Valley it has outgrown it’s usefulness, becoming infested with a philosophy that thinks it knows better than everyone else. Along with all their ‘fake checkers’ who will twist facts into a moebius parody to exonerate those they share an ideology with.

Maybe when all their money runs out, all these left coasters will find a welcoming place on the streets. The same faeces infested sidewalks their point of view helped create. That might be justice of a sort.

Maybe that time is closer than we think, according to this YouTuber;

Violating community guidelines

Our guests leave today. In one case I am heaving a huge sigh of relief. Baby sister in law has proven herself a scorpion guest, my other sister in law not so much, but still almost as entitled. No wonder their husbands did not come with them.

There are guidelines to visiting. Unwritten rules about conducting yourself while a guest in another’s home. You get fed when the host or hostess says. Because their house is not a f*cking restaurant or a hotel. You behave with good grace, do not insult your hosts, or behave in an offensive manner. Sisters in law have broken all these rules in the last few days and they will not be invited back.

If it was just our daughters, this week would have been much more fun, but the unwritten guidelines of this specific community have been broken and the breakers will not be admitted to Chez Maison Sticker again while the host still draws breath. I’ve literally shed blood in this place (Although I have cleaned up after myself) and done my best to provide sustenance that all would find acceptable. Dietary preferences were accepted and catered for, but this was not good enough and I have been forced to waste the precious commodities of food and time.

The shrieking level also increased past acceptable limits. Tell me, why do some people have to shout so much in enclosed spaces? My dining room can accommodate ten at a push, but six last night sounded like a chicken house at feeding time. Twenty men having a heated discussion would not have made half the racket. But I bit my tongue, knowing that the womenfolk would shortly be gone.

Noting my silence, Mrs S chided me for my lack of ‘social skills’, to which I later retorted that I was not the one breaching the accepted rules of hospitality. I mean really, what does a chap have to do? Methinks when there’s a house full of females, not much apart from hide, which I chose not to do. Whose bloody house is it anyway? Answer; mine. Not theirs, mine. Anyone who doesn’t like it knows where the door is. And the road to the f*cking airport, too.

Even youngest has noticed, and vouchsafed to us while out on a drive yesterday; “Is there any way I can be emancipated from this family?” I know how she feels.

There is a saying, I believe one of Benjamin Franklyn’s “Fish and visitors stink after three days” Well the stinking for me started on Monday, when sisters in law tried to come the high hand in my bloody kitchen. They literally tried to order me about in my own home.

Well this is our home, our private space and I dislike being dictated to just because I am related to someone by marriage. As for anyone ‘reporting’ anyone at my table for ‘hate speech’ as is law in Scotland for example, I would throw them out immediately and never invite them again. Not even as someone else’s guest. Dinner table conversation is sacrosanct, and I will allow any topic of discussion providing people don’t start throwing food. That is not done. This isn’t a drunken officers mess. Ratarsed drunk is acceptable, bad behaviour like ratting to the ‘authorities’ is not.

Putting people in jail for an opinion likewise unless they are confessing to murder or suchlike. As for ‘misgendering’, those getting ‘offended’ are the ones who need locking up. In a padded cell for their safety and others, as the whole gender dysphoria thing is still listed as a mental illness. As is being a ‘Minor attracted person’. These are people who have no place in a tolerant civilised society.

On that general drift, I notice recently that some rather innocuous, mildly conservative ‘saves’ on my Pinterest (It’s the only Social Media I do) feed have been ‘removed’ for ‘violating community guidelines’. No idea why as the posts in question were about as offensive as Lemon Mousse. Just a collection of vintage pulp sci-fi covers, aircraft art, cars and motorcycles, a bit of politics and philosophy, nothing much. One even got reinstated after a manual ‘review’. Not that I care, I’ll save a few more like them and Pinterest can go stuff themselves. They can even delete my account, which I only share with Mrs S for interior design pictures, sod ’em all.

On a general note; anyone who demands my ‘respect’ will be firmly told; “My respect is earned, bone brain. Get lost.”

Now I’m off to the airport to send our guests winging whence they came. Afterwards I will probably sing loudly and happily all the way home. Something bawdy for preference. If anyone objects, I’ll tell them I’m just rehearsing. For what, I’m not telling.

The word on… insect protein

Now there are cultures that subsist off insect protein. They are invariably poor, people often never reach their full physical development and they tend to be shorter than average.

Places where insect eating is most practised are Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo, the Central African Republic, Cameroon, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria and South Africa along with places in South East Asia. The very poor bits of the world. Where more conventional protein sources are not available, or there’s a famine.

At best, insect protein is a starvation ration, which the western gastro-intestinal system is not adapted for. For some Africans, certain parts of south East Asia, and in obscure tribes in South America, where deep fried tarantula is considered a delicacy, this is their lot.

Now as a beekeeper I do not agree with eating insects. Honey products yes, but that’s not the same as eating my bees, which I would strenuously object to. I happen to like my little workers and try to do everything within reason to ensure their safety and comfort. Shelter, food sources and plenty of undisturbed time to produce. Mass slaughter as a direct food source? Definitely not.

We have systems to produce good quality animal and vegetable protein, yet someone wants everyone to eat reprocessed insects. Never mind the problems with digesting chitin etcetera which leg-iron gives a quick primer on, without going into the details on various bad stuff like Toluene, exposure to which can cause eye and nose irritation, tiredness, confusion, euphoria, dizziness, headache, tears, anxiety, muscle fatigue, insomnia, nerve damage, inflammation of the skin, and liver and kidney damage. To name but one. There are other potential hazards in an insect based diet becoming a staple.

There appears to be no upside. So why in the bleedin’ crystallised feck are some people saying it’s a good idea and the way to go? They’ve either fried their two remaining brain cells, or as is more likely, there’s money to be made for people who don’t need any more.

The propaganda being spouted about this is reminiscent of the blather about breakfast cereals in the early 1900’s, many of which have a higher glycaemic index than sugar for heavens sake. It is worth noting that our massive intake of sugars and starches is most likely behind the ‘obesity epidemic’ and massive increase in type II diabetes.

No doubt we will be repeatedly told that like these unhealthy breakfast cereals (With perhaps the exception of mueslis etc), insect protein is the way to go, but is it?

I used to be a fan of a TV series called ‘Doomwatch‘ where a team of investigators faced down threats to the food chain and Earth. As a boy I had a grainy old 405 line set donated by a neighbour and managed to squirrel it up to my room to watch TV on low volume while Mum and Dad watched their programmes late in the evening. All BBC hokum of course, but I hadn’t quite hit puberty yet and there weren’t many girls to distract me. Well, none that would have anything to do with a rascal like me.

The scientist cast as hero, where a team led by a Dr Spencer Quist exposing human caused threats to the environment. Usually where a technology got out of control. Such as where a rogue virus escapes from a lab, or a new foodstuff has potential for harm. Which is where we came in….

Clockwork mice

Apropos a spin off from a discussion Mrs S and I were having between bouts of clearing up builders residue, grouting tiles and moving furniture. Has anyone else heard of this little phrase? It’s a device used in play writing where:

You have a bunch of clockwork mice. You know how they all behave – maybe some go faster than others, maybe one of them veers to the left, maybe one goes round in circles – and you want them to collide in an interesting way. So you wind them up and put them on a table. However, you must observe this one rule: You cannot touch the mice once they are on the table.

In the current cultural dysfunction, where no side is actually talking to the other in any meaningful way, the reason doesn’t matter, far too many people switch off their higher brain function and go full “Clockwork Mouse”.

Add to the situation that there are a lot of ‘playwrights’ out there who understand how a particular type of mind works, and simply spread information in a way that will cause the clockwork mouse in question to go spinning around the table, bouncing into other clockwork mice and sending them in turn spinning chaotically around the table. Some will fall off the edge, some will be knocked over, little wheels spinning as their springs wind down, and a few will be wound up so tightly that they literally explode in a shrapnel cloud of cogs and springs. Some will keep attacking another clockwork mouse until they in turn are disabled. You get the picture? Does this metaphor make any sense?

What I am describing is a stimulus /reaction loop where the frontal lobes are in shutdown mode and the emotions are in full spate. Like those people who attack people giving a talk or speech, thinking that by silencing one voice they will silence all. Few of these people actually think. Most just react. This goes for everyone, because like it of not, we humans are driven more strongly by emotion than logic, as I keep finding whenever engaging with an opposing mindset. Yes, yes, I know I should just wind my neck in, but they’re all such low hanging fruit the temptation is enormous.

I used to refer to same as the General Dyslexic, because 85% plus of the population couldn’t read, or be bothered to read simple instructions. Now I know that they’re all leading with their pwecious icle fi-fi’s, it just engenders a sense of “Oh well, what the hell, glad I’m not involved with that bunch of comedians any more.” The problem is that if you’re still breathing you have to keep a weather eye out for the bastards, because their poor decision making ability will impact you in all sorts of ways if you’re not careful.

On the upside, my bees are producing some very nice looking honey which will be cropped during the last major hive inspection in three weeks time. I may get my timing right and head off a possible swarm ready to fill one of my spare hives with a new colony, meaning more honey next year.

In these times of chaos and idiocy, it’s good to have a positive goal.

I declare this day….

Today my friends we are on the cusp of a new era. A bright new dawn awakens us to the new reality. I, Bill Sticker, of this Parish and resident in Ireland, do declare August 2022 to be “Global no pronouns month“.

During August 2022 we declare this blog will be a pronoun-free area. Readers may address the host and other commenters in whatsoever fashion they wish, regardless of assumed or implied gender or identity. We guarantee that no offence will be taken. Indeed we wish to encourage friendly discourse by dropping all gender identities or pronouns for the foreseeable future.

When entering comments, we would like to encourage our reader to use whatever friendly terms of address they see fit. “Sunshine”, “Chum”, “Mate” are all more than acceptable, and we will even refuse to take umbrage if challenged with “Oy, you” or even “F*ckface”.

No one will be reported to the cops for ‘hate crimes’, and we will refuse to allow the farces of law and disorder to prosecute by submitting letters to any given court stating that no offence was sought, taken or given by the use of such language.

The use of silly made up pronouns is, in turn, forbidden. All reference to said pronouns will be deleted / amended with a suitable retort in the comments by the blog owner. We retain full editorial control.

While we do not care what your name is, or however you wish to describe yourself, we would ask all contributors and commenters to keep those personal details to themselves. Regardless of assumed gender or sexuality.

In short, the attitude of this blog is “F*ck your moronic made up pronouns”. and “Take your freak show elsewhere.”

This has been a public service announcement.

Institutional child abuse

Have been watching and reading about the strange stuff going on across medicine, politics and education recently. Specifically regarding pre-pubescent children. And forgive me for being a gruff old fuddy duddy, but WTF! is going on?

In medicine, parents are being encouraged to have their children injected with an experimental, emergency use only ‘treatment’ that only works for a few months before another injection is needed, then increases the risk of heart problems -amongst other side effects (Some ‘vaccine’ huh?). Ostensibly to ‘protect’ older people. Which it doesn’t. I keep on hearing about ‘vaccinated’ people catching SARS-COV2 at higher rates than the unvaccinated but previously exposed.

But what bothers me more is seeing parents dragging masked offspring around in public. The children obviously hate it, you can tell by the body language.

I cannot help feeling that a great madness has fallen across the world. The great COVID fear pandemic, where fear of a given disease is a hundred times more harmful than the original infection. Currently, a SARS/COV-2 infection is on a par with the common cold and just as widespread. So why are people abusing their children by forcing them to wear useless surgical masks? Forcing children to wear masks has been asserted to actively harm a child’s social and emotional development.

Then there’s the whole ‘trans’ thing being actively promoted in Western Schools. To pre-pubescent children. Sexualising children? Encouraging them to become permanent mules by pushing malleable minds down the irreversible road of a ‘sex change’. That has to be a perverts charter.

The people who describe themselves as ‘MAPS’ (Minor-attracted Persons) pushing this agenda are predatory paedophiles and their enablers. Predatory paedophiles used to be put on circulated lists, forbidden to even walk past a school gate. Now their acolytes are inside the education system, and any opposition to their agenda is a ‘hate crime’, as is any issue with ‘grooming’ (A.K.A paedophile rape) gangs. Because to call out racist paedophiles is somehow in itself ‘racist’. How insane is that?

With the above two examples we can clearly see that child abuse is endemic throughout the West. And we are prevented from protesting about it by laws stifling honest dissent and calling it wicked, when the true wickedness and evil comes from those passing these laws. Because they are afraid of being called names by a malicious and vociferous minority. The fear of being accused of a ‘thought crime’ actively protecting real evil.

Because preying on children is vile and evil. Even in prison this is well known, and convicted child molesters (Known as ‘Nonces’ – prison slang for ‘Nonsense Merchants’) need isolating from the rest of the prison population because they are rightly despised for the monsters they are, perpetuating their monstrosity by turning their victims into copies of themselves. Regrettably the nonces and their enablers now appear to run the system, doing great harms while feeding their dangerous lusts.

As for the media following the ‘fashionable’ view (Only in their eyes) that what they are the cheerleaders for is ‘good’; what can I say? Sick and evil. Tarring all those associating with the rainbow flag with the same brush.

This demonstrates that child abuse has become, like COVID, endemic and institutional throughout the West. And there are some who even call it moral. And these are the people we let have power over us. I’m tempted to speculate that the generational damage from COVID and pushing outlier deviancy may not be recoverable. At least in the short to medium term. We’re headed into a depression in more ways than one.

Meanwhile, back on another topic, elder sibling emailed me to ask if the blog was still up. I replied that there might be a shadow ban in effect if he couldn’t, but just in case it was only a typo, emailed him a direct link. Not that I care about anyone’s approval, least of all some West coast tech-wienie. The “Warning- toxic thought dump” Biohazard label on the header graphic might be a bit of a clue.

In offline life, the bees are fine (At least they know what sex they are – the Queen tells them so). I planted some more herbs and spinach seed today. My onions have finally germinated and pushed little sprouts out of the soil, as have the chilli peppers. Might have to build a greenhouse cover for the raised beds where I have planted the tomatoes and peppers. We will see.

Next major outdoor project is the chicken coop.

Update: This blog does not, according to elder sibling, appear on the Google listings, which I consider a badge of honour. As some say in bad latin; Semper in stercore sum, solum profundum variat

The idle thoughts

…of an idle mind. For some reason the following thought has been following around my daily round; “Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook.”

This is an age where Harry S Truman’s quote is ever more pertinent. I look at politicians who have never had a proper commercial day job, yet have amassed a hundred times more money than either Mrs S or I after a lifetime of working and investing for a living. Which begs the question; how did they make their money? I know how we did, but what about them?

If it’s from a second job, like running a financial consultancy, fair do’s. If it’s from taking advantage of policy decisions specifically for their own advantage, then that’s not okay. As is having your family benefit from policy decisions. Because that’s effectively ‘insider trading’ which is (allegedly) illegal for anyone not in politics.

If you or I did that sort of thing we’d have the fraud squad kicking down our doors. Yet if a certain breed of politician does it, it becomes a ‘scandal’ but rarely does the perpetrator do time. Unless their theft is so blatant that it triggers a revolution. This is true around the globe.

Like I said. Idle thoughts.

But I repeat myself

Was in my workshop building raised garden beds today and came across the following from Podcast of the Lotus Eaters on my phone. Warning, it does not make for comfortable listening.

Now if you listen to the pro-trans activists and their shrieks of “Hate Speech! Hate speech! Mommy, mommy stop the nasty man saying horrible things!” This sort of discussion is ‘hate’. My own take on it from 2016 is here in a few pontifications about the notorious bill C-16 compelling people to use made up pronouns.

In my offering I gave the link to a scientific study about ‘transition regret’ and the high level of post operative suicides in people trying to change their sex.

As a side note; during my time training with the UK NHS one of my classmates was keen on forensic medicine and brought in a couple of illustrated textbooks on the subject. One of the things that struck me among the section on suicides was how many of the dead were young and obviously gender confused. A few were autoerotic, but some found dangling from trees or bloated and dead from an overdose were in the throes of transitioning from male to female. Whenever I hear about underage children being encouraged (In schools? WTF!) to experiment with their gender those stark images pop into my forebrain. Wish I’d never seen them in the first place, but I was curious back then and just had to bloody well look, didn’t I?

The main problem, as Carl and Harry discuss, is that transitioning sex is a one way street. Once a person sets off down that road there is often no way back. And that road is also fraught with physical risk. Shortened lifespans, irreversible sterility and elevated diabetes risk to name but three. Never mind the need to take artificially high levels of hormones. But do the activists tell gullible children that? Oh no. The activists are all “Come on in! The water’s lovely!” They omit to tell people the ‘water’ is full of carcinogens and the occasional Candiru fish, metaphorically speaking.

No doubt this blog post constitutes ‘hate’ and not a simple op-ed that points to reputable sources, as well as reflecting on known risks which the activists don’t want widely known. Me, I’d encourage counselling and encourage sexual experimentation rather than entice sexually uncertain immatures into irreversible, high post-operative risk medical procedures. After all, you can decide you are gay or not and physically there’s no comeback if you decide it’s not for you. ‘Transitioning’ is another matter and should be the last option rather than the first.

Local swarming

I got stung. Completely my fault. I was careless. I dropped a Nuc while taking it out of the car. I thought it was securely taped up, but the whole thing came apart in my hands as I picked it up. Next thing I’m running down the field, slapping off enraged worker bees as they kamikaze dive bombed me until I was over fifty yards away.

Tally was twelve stings overall, only one of which caused any real swelling. An hour later, smoker going, I walked back up the field, fully suited up, smelling like a bonfire, looking like an urban spaceman to clear my abandoned car of bees and see whether or not I’d lost a colony.

Fortunately the queen had stayed put and the colony looked mostly intact. I think I perhaps lost about a couple of hundred workers. Phew. So I smoked and carefully put the Nuc back together again and put it next to the hive. I’ll go and give it a visual before moving the Nuc frames into their new hive tomorrow. I may just have gotten away with it.

One observation post stings; I have a touch of arthritis in my left knee. All the discomfort and pain I’ve grown to know and curse has disappeared. Not sure if this was down to me getting stung or last weeks physio session. However, my knee now has no discomfort at all, which is very nice indeed.

In the outside world I see the Davos party is in full swing again with talk of people having a ‘tracking app’ (Which doesn’t and probably never will work) or not enough people having continuous injections for a respiratory virus whose time has come and gone. Neil Oliver has a few words to say with which I wholly concur.

He has a point; who do these m0the#rfuck*rs think they are? If looked at dispassionately the WEF’s meddling can be seen as behind many of the world’s problems. Perhaps they would do us all a favour by looking to their own affairs, and not meddle so blatantly in the lives of others?

As Neil observes, there always has been a social contract between rulers and ruled. Leave the peasants alone or suffer the consequences.

Or maybe they should suffer the fate of those anti-meat activists who got sprayed with slurry at a Co Durham NBA meeting. It would be well deserved. Like the time that sanctimonious b!tch Emma Thompson came close to getting slurried. Why can’t she just stick to acting?

The thing is, most meat eaters don’t really care about what vegetarians do, so maybe if these well-funded activists and meddlers wound their necks in a bit, maybe the world would become a better place. As suggested below.

Wouldn’t that be grand, eh?

A couple of memes

Has anyone ever noticed the following?

People who talk about ‘disinformation’ or ‘misinformation’ (and other such neologisms) are usually the greatest liars of all?

The difference between ‘conspiracy theory’ and ‘verified fact’ is currently running at about six months.

From the bin

Just found the missive below in my spam bin, ostensibly from that bunch of cnuts at mediamatters, an organisation so polarised that a certain Mr A Hitler has been heard to say; “Mein Gott! Zat’s a bit extreme chaps. Heff you tried a chill pill?”

We at https://www.mediamatters.org/ need your help to stop Evil Musk from taking over twitter. If you don’t help https://www.mediamatters.org/ then we cannot be considered friends. We intend to publish a list of websites who do not respond positively to our request for solidarity, which will not be good for your business. Emboldened by Musk’s Twitter takeover, anti-trans figures are celebrating by breaking the platform’s rules on hateful conduct Join the men & women emboldened by Musk’s Twitter takeover, anti-trans figures are celebrating by breaking the platform’s rules on hateful conduct © 2022 Media Matters for America

Well chums I’ll try and let you down gently but no, I won’t be on your side on this one. And I sure as all shooting don’t want people like you as ‘friends’. I don’t want to be in ‘solidarity’ or even the same room with a bunch of poisonous perversion pushers like you. And I am quite happy for you to publish this website on a ‘list’ as one that ‘will not respond positively’. Then will you please take the time and trouble to fcuk right off.

By the way, if you’d actually bothered to read my ‘about’ page before posting your barely veiled threat you would be fully aware that I consider that men are men and women are women, and “vive la difference!” You can’t rewrite the laws of biology for the mentally ill. And gender dysphoria is officially classified as a mental illness. Only crazy people want to be chemically sterilised and surgically mutilated because they’ve got the notion that they’re the wrong sex. They can’t change their DNA. XX is XX and XY is XY. Biology is biology. That bit of science is settled.

Nor do I consider Elon Musk ‘evil’ for buying out Twatter. The people mediamatters work for on the other hand who indulge in ‘cancelling’ other voices…. Nah, I’ll let you lot ponder that one. If you have even the least shred of self-awareness.

By the way, you can’t do anything which ‘won’t be good for my business’. This blog is a hobby. It is not monetised in any way and I derive no income of any kind from it.

Sheesh. Some people.

Any damned fool

Laid three new concrete hive bases today ready for their new stands. I’m told fifteen inches is about the right height to keep rats and mice out. So I built three stands of that height to place the hives on and oriented them south and east, like the books say you should.

There’s been a lot of ‘project slippage’ caused by unforeseen events. Supply availability, people not doing what you wanted in good time. Getting bees is proving a sticking point and I’m told that the next Nuc availability will be in a month.

As for the banks, the oft repeated words “We are experiencing extremely high call volumes.” have already reduced Mrs S to floods of tears twice this week and thus got me thoroughly discombobulated.

The money is all there, we just can’t get at it without the landline that the builders trashed. So until we’ve sorted out the phone access next week, I can only pay the trades guys half. Which should be an incentive for them to get us up and running, asap.

However, I’ve stripped out the last of the window glass intact, meaning I have plenty of glass panels for various projects like cucumber frames and citrus growing. Ever since I germinated my first lemon seeds I’ve had this notion to grow my own citrus fruit and store it as frozen organic fruit juice. Might even barter a little. We’re a registered farm business now, so why not? I’ve a location in mind and know how to build some hot water solar panels to retain some residual heat during the depths of winter to keep the frosts at bay. Some cheap half inch black plastic tube under double glazed glass over a black back panel is easy to make. An insulated hot water storage tank (or several) might be a good idea too. All do-able on a budget. Primitive but useful.

As for the outside world, the more I step away from the news, every time I have a brief peruse of the mainstream, the more I’m inclined to think; “Surely any damned fool could see that would happen.” It often reduces me to a near permanent state of “WTF!”

Which begs the question; am I ‘any damned fool’? Because I can see the harm done? By the very people we entrust with the public good? Real life measurable harm like (takes deep breath) Overt sexualising grooming of pre-pubescent children in schools by policy, interrupted education by lockdown, children (and adults) psychologically damaged by obsessive mask wearing and social isolation. People driven to madness by the incessant news media diet of fear. And people hate what they fear, so they are driven to hate. Because they are taught to hate by the very people squawking about ‘misinformation’. To name but a few. Yet who are the mis-informers? No pressure. Answer in your own time.

Not to mention the damage to the fabric of society. Despite increased institutionalised enforcement, under the surface we are observably more divided than ever before. There is more racism, more hatred, more intolerance. And it bubbles up from the poisoned wellspring of mandated ‘diversity’ and enforced ‘fairness’. The “You must think exactly this way – OR ELSE!” corporate mindset. Or else you will go on a list. A publicly visible list of the ideologically impure and unemployable ‘haters’. Available to hiring managers, credit agencies and local authorities to name but three. These lists should not exist in a truly civilised society, but they do. I cite the confirmed existence of the Non-Crime Hate Incident list in the UK, where people not convicted of any crime are put in an effective digital pillory.

Fortunately this matters little to me personally. Out here in the rural west of Ireland people are more down to earth, more in tune with the real world and the turn of the seasons. Social media is seen as the province of teenagers. And very few children have cell phones. Neighbours talk over their garden walls, do favours for each other, show unbidden kindness.

In my mind it is a fundamental truth that authoritarianisms suppression and censorship divides us all, while free, open and honest speech allows people to discuss, examine and challenge, not only the beliefs of others but also their own, in a roundabout way promoting ‘social cohesion’ more effectively than any other method. But then any damned fool should be able to see that, and if that is the case then I am happy to be so described.

The law of sausage

According to lawyer-poet John Godfrey Saxe in 1869 (Not Bismarck) that “Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know how they are made.” This law should be firmly applied to building work.

Our house has been stripped to it’s very bones, exposing many grievous sins. Said domicile now looks more like a 1970’s Dr Who set than a once habitable building. Old wiring and heating stripped out, new wiring dangling like a jungle of ersatz creepers, it is quite depressing. Places where damp has rotted wood, spawning filigrees of fan like fungal growth spreading across long hidden wallpaper. Gaping holes for windows. Frankly me deario’s, it looks awful.

However there is hope; our plumber and sparky are working in concert. The builder and his merry men have sent in their first invoice which will be paid by Friday next. Said payment will cover the first tranche of new windows, lintels, wall and subfloor insulation. Then the pipes and manifold for the ground floor underfloor heating go in, followed by a fine screed and floor tiles.

Despite the possible threat of having our home confiscated to house ‘refugees’ for ‘the common good’ (Whatever the hell that is) we are ploughing ahead, working on the premise that it will take the powers that be a while to work their mendacious way down to our level. By which time we will be so well established and secure that they’ll have a serious legal fight on their hands. Besides, doesn’t it say in the Irish constitution (Article 43) that; “The State guarantees to pass no law to abolish these (property )rights”? Let’s see how that stands up against constant political pressure for ‘social injustice’. Which to me is nothing more than cover for a housing racket at the very highest level. It’s criminal.

Bill Stickers rule one about crime; always make it look like an uphill battle for the potential criminal. Make it quite plain in many subtle and diverse ways that they personally may suffer consequences should they try to make your life full of drama. Good locks and property lawyers are essential.

For my part, I always try to deal with prodnosing officialdom by being like McCavity the mystery cat; never there when they want something. Nod, smile, deflect and divert all the while, before making the object of their desire disappear right under their noses. Well it’s worked for me so far. Stuff their ‘refugees’, many of whom aren’t even Ukrainian, or even proper refugees.

Offshoring the processing of these ‘refugees’ to Rwanda sounds like a pretty good idea to me. It cuts the flight risk to a minimum and puts badly needed capital into the third world. And if that observation makes me a Xenophobic right winger, so be it.

Speaking of which, I see the French haven’t learned their lesson and have apparently voted Macron back in again. The majority appear to have been sufficiently frightened that Le Pen might boulverser le panier de pommes. Like with most electorates, they will always, in the words of Hillaire Bellocalways keep-a hold of nurse – for fear of finding something worse!

All of the above makes me think that making real change for the better in your life takes a gnats nadgers of personal vision, a soupçon of courage and a sound dose of unswerving commitment. Without these, you’re just counting down the days to your coffin.

A Friday post

Just a random video from the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa.

Key phrase; “this is the least racist place I’ve ever been in.”

And “Open up how you get your information”

Words we should all take notice of.