Some old English

The more and more I hear out in the media and politics in general, the more I am reminded of a term from late middle English;

Hag ridden

First recorded in the 1660’s, “ridden by hags or witches,” past-participle adjective from hag-ride (1660s); from hag (n.) + ridden. From 1702 as “oppressed, harassed;” 1758 as “afflicted by nightmares.” An old term for sleep paralysis (the sensation of being held immobile in bed, a heavy weight, and accompanied by a sense of alien presence). ‘Hag’ being an archaic term for ‘witch’ or malign woman, and ‘ridden’, well, that is self explanatory.

From the Great reset and Green agenda to the shreds of the pandemic, we are all being ridden or oppressed by fear. We have media people telling us to “Suck it up” if we complain about our rights and liberties being taken away, or suggest that we’d like to celebrate an old midwinter festival without interference from the authorities.

We are being hag-ridden. I can’t think of a more succinct or appropriate description.

I also think Boris Johnson is being hag-ridden by his bitch of a fiance. She’s the one pushing the economically suicidal green garbage and I’d like to see a show of hands of who voted for her to be the UK’s Prime Minister. Anyone? Thought not.