
Does anyone else think that all this DEI stuff is killing the anglophone West? I have been looking at the push by ESG agencies for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and suchlike for some time, and am always drawn back to the question; “What is the point?”

‘Diversity’ always ends up being divisive because it gives unearned privilege to one preferred group, thus negating the whole principle of ‘inclusion’, because if a group has unearned privilege, then someone else has to be penalised. As for ‘Equity’, how can there be equity and fairness for the self same reason?

Here’s a perspective on DEI from another quarter.

Indeed, the proliferation of HR and diversity officers and activity in the Anglophone West act against the ordinary people. Not merely the indigenous population, but many immigrants as well. All on the taxpayer dollar.

Just my two pennorth. (Oh alright then two cents etc)

No wonder the Ukraine war is being lost. Because of DEI the UK and many other aggressor western nations can’t even recruit enough military to train enough Ukrainians. Even experienced fast Jet instructors (UK) are refusing to get involved.

Going nuts

Crocked myself a bit recently shifting rocks to create one of the two new rockeries. I wrenched a leg muscle and this has curtailed my movements over the last few days. Quite painful. For about twenty four hours I needed a walking stick to get around the house.

Fortunately the job is finished, so I can take it much easier and let things settle down. That was the heaviest job, and I won’t need to do it again.

However, the good news is that my attempt in Walnut propagation, whilst not being due to bear fruit for at least three or four years, has produced a current total of twenty five walnut shoots poking their heads out of the potting compost. The first of which is in full leaf. With another five yet to sprout. So, given current progress, that will make around thirty Walnut seedlings in total. That is a lot of potential nut trees. With the nine Ash seedlings and twenty plus willows, it’s not far short of a small forest in the making.

Elsewhere in the Emerald Isle, the natives are getting restless. To the point that the riot squad of the Garda (Police) have been called out against the locals of County Wexford, who (Quite rightly) object to a bunch of freeloaders being dumped on their doorstep. This, the indiscriminate use of pepper spray and also water cannon has gone down like a lead balloon, and the word is that the usual suspects infesting the Dail (Irish Parliament) are about as popular as a bad case of hemorrhoids. The coming June 2024 elections should be interesting, as the mood seems to be turning very anti-EU. This time any referendum will not be run until the powers that be get the answer they want, the natives will not stand for that little bit of electoral skulduggery. Not again.

Of course the ‘far right’ have been blamed, whoever they are. Although I have the feeling that even the most liberal will be tarred with that particular brush if they voice even the mildest disagreement or support for the afflicted communities, for whatever reason. However, the shadows of the past are rising like spectres from the grave, and comparisons are being made with the notorious Black and Tans, a highly emotive topic with my neighbours.

For those who don’t know who the Black and Tans were, they were a short lived auxiliary Police force in the last days of British rule. Their crimes against the locals included murder and rape. Something that has not been forgotten over this side of the Irish sea. There are even dark rumours of IRA units being reformed to fight in the Republic. Against the Government and EU.

The mood out here is; “We’ve seen off their cattle culls, we’ll see these buggers off as well!” Highly defiant. However, I’ll let you see what one Irish commentator has to say about matters.

The Irish political class should be really, really worried. Me, I’ve taken to closing my gates at night, and making sure the doors are locked.

The incredible shrinking….

… Me. I don’t use scales like Mrs S, but I have lost a considerable amount of weight in the last three months. The downside of which is that I am physically much fitter and end up doing more hard work. All down to ditching all the junk carbohydrates from my diet and eating just fish meat and eggs.

This is the diet dismissed by certain loud and censorious voices as a ‘fad’. Trust me, it isn’t. It works wonderfully for weight loss and recovering one’s health. There have been anecdotal observations for years about how a high protein, zero carbohydrate, high fat diet may even help keep certain cancers in remission. One of my cousins uses it, to put it in his own words, to ‘walk back’ his Diabetes II. Indeed it was the regimen that used to be prescribed by doctors in the days before Insulin.

Oh, by the way, have you heard that there is a British founded company that uses a form of AI to manipulate news? It’s called the ‘Global Disinformation Project’ or GDI and pushes it’s narrative to all the ‘fact checkers’ that have sprung up over the last few years. And it’s based on the ideology of it’s female academic founder; pro-trans, pro alphabet soup activism and anti capitalist. The GDI is at the root of the game of ‘Chinese whispers’ or as the Americans call it ‘Telegraph which is the source of most modern media narratives. You want to know what manipulates that narrative and is behing the rise of the fact checkers? The GDI. Watch the video from Unherd below.

And it’s mostly government funded. Although organisations like the Soros backed and very mis-named ‘open societies foundation’ have had a significant role to play in the GDI’s founding and rise.

No wonder it seems like the truth may be out there, but rather like my waistline, good sources are being significantly reduced by censorship and disruption of good information. The GDI, and the views of a few academics are at the root of societal division and the toxic rise of DEI.

According to Unherd the chief villains of the piece are Claire Melford and Daniel Rogers who have been key in the collective pushing the perversion of society, and the warping of innocent minds.

Off with their funding say I. People who deliberately set out to warp public discourse have no business telling the rest of us what we should be thinking.

Update: This story has gone global thanks to people like Elon Musk. Looks like the GDI may well lose it’s funding. Mainly because the GDI et al are the chief discriminators of disinformation, misinformation and malinformation, a.k.a. lies.

Qui custodes ipsos custodes? I think we all have to. Keep the bastards feet to the fire.

Playing away

Have had a few days out ‘oop norf in the Orange land to see what things are like and run a couple of errands. Came back home to hear that ‘South’ had missed that mass stabbing in a Sydney shopping mall. Lots of frantic family whatsapp messages established she was okay. So much for ‘care in the community’.

Nevertheless. Belfast and environs,first impressions; there are a lot of red brick faced buildings, most very smart and architecturally interesting. Outside of Belfast not so much, however, there are a lot more brick buildings than south of the border. Yes there’s some tired looking stuff, lots of block and rendering build, but red brick is far more popular. As were Union flags, long despised by the mentally unhinged as ‘racist’.

One major difference did flag up; the state of many roads, especially in Ulsters urban areas, is absolutely shocking. Potholes, badly patched road surfaces, Even Dublin wasn’t this bad.

Here in the wilder west, we too get potholes, but we have Councillors who see it as their primary task to keep the roads fixed. There are even a couple of specialist vehicles locally whose primary task it to fix potholes. One was outside of our humble domicile last year, spraying tar and asphalt into potholes and tamping the repair down before moving on. These repairs are still good, despite our lane being used as a high speed rat run and traversed regularly by about a hundred plus tractor journeys a day. And that promises to get busier.

Let me explain. Ireland has a burgeoning silage shortage. Cattle cannot be grazed in a significant number of usual fields because the increased rainfall (Up to three times normal) of the last two years means those pastures are still too boggy to graze, and arable fields too wet to plant seed crops. There are even rumours of a year ‘without a harvest’. So a scheme has been hatched to move remaining hay and silage to the cattle and sheep in the areas that need it. Ergo, increased tractor traffic on our roads. A lot more. For as long as the silage supply lasts.

As for the rain; there’s still too much, even for Ireland. One advantage is that it’s good for all the trees I intend to plant in the next month. All without a penny in subsidies. There are about two dozen willow saplings ready to go in, about ten Ash saplings have taken nicely and will need another year of nursing in pots until they reach planting size. Four Walnut trees are ready for repotting and will be ready to leave outside of my greenhouse to mature for a year or two before planting. Mrs S wants a fig and an Olive tree in the corner of the big yard. There are fruit bushes and trees to shift. Then there’s twenty metres of dogwood to plant out. As soon as I can nick the cuttings.

All that is without the extra Blackthorn hedging we have, replacement soakaways and new rockeries. Heavy sigh. No rest for the wicked eh?

Although it’s much better than being stabbed to death while shopping by some crazed nutter in an Australian mall though.

Anybody else?

Busy in the workshop while it’s cold enough to cause brass monkeys to go looking for a welder. I’ve sown all my herb seeds and done most of the planting out for this month. Loads of Rosemary, Sage, Chervil, Thyme, bedding plants etcetera.

While my hands have been busy, I was contemplating the fallout from the ‘hate speech’ law rollout in Scotland, which has gone from threat to free expression right over to outright farce. The native Scots are having a field day, reporting everyone, including the vicious Farce Monster currently leading the Scottish Nazi Party.

What I was forced to conclude was that there is a plague upon the land. Not a coughy, spluttery, headachy, type of keel over and die plague, but another, far more insidious infestation of horrible creepy people. As bad as the permanent political class, possibly worse. I write dear friend (Oh come one, I must have one, surely?) about ‘activists’, deluded individuals who go about spouting total bollocks about made up ‘genders’, climate ‘science’, health or whatever their ’cause’ happens to be, regardless of whether they’ve bothered to do any research. Then expecting the rest of us to shut up and do what we’re told, or else!

Anyone else feel that there are too many of these ‘activists’, these serial complainers? They waste other people’s time because they are ‘offended’ by something, or someone, or something they thought someone meant, even though the person thus accused didn’t actually say what the ‘activist’ alleged.

There is only one conclusion to draw. There are too may ‘activists’. Too many virtue signalling, self righteous ‘look at mee!’ types.

We need a cull. A big one.


A bit blowy outside for the next twenty four hours. Someone called Kathleen is to blame so we’re told. Naughty girl. Time for Mrs Spank to take a quick sharp visit to bottyland methinks.

Well, we’ve had a bit of landscaping done. A piece of ground not far from the back door has been reworked into about eight new parking spaces and usable garden space. Mrs S’s amused comment was; “We’ve got a Doctors car park” Nothing too fancy, just compressed gravel, which, we are told, needs a couple of weeks to ‘settle’ before we can park on it. So it’s fenced off for the moment. As is our little domicile. Drawbridge up, portcullis down, minefield and Piranha tank activated.

Today I have elected to get out there in the wind and wet to sow some herb seeds. Nothing fancy, just Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Chervil, Parsley and Clover. I may shift a few rocks as well for the new rockeries. Then there’s a bit of property maintenance, one of the grey water drains needs re-routing into the grey water septic system. Lots to do.

Weight loss continues with this carnivore diet. Upside; I’m starting to look at a whole new wardrobe. Downside, that might get a teeny bit expensive. I do have some older clothing that I can use that I have manfully resisted having thrown out by Mrs S. Also on the topic of meat eating, there’s increasing evidence of benefits. Not merely winding back diabetes 2 and pre-diabetic symptoms. This lady below claims she has full remission from Multiple Sclerosis.

Now I’ve been aware of the benefits of a low-carbohydrate regimen, as before insulin, the old treatment was a low carbohydrate diet, which worked. This carnivore diet by contrast, is a revelation. As for all the claims that it causes strokes or heart attacks, there’s increasing evidence that seed oils and deep fried food have more influence on those negative outcomes. Dr Paul Mason, an Australian researcher, explains the science below.

As always, do your own research and make your own mind up. Notwithstanding I am going to use my new-found energy and recovered strength to do a bit of landscaping work.

Unforeseen consequence

You know those hate speech laws being passed by the political class? I was chatting with a friend and they mentioned that any curb on freedom of expression is likely to lower the quality of literature. Writers will no longer be able to produce non-state sanctioned content because someone in one of the political ‘protected groups’ might get their nose put in a sling over words they deem ‘offensive’. Indeed, he was of the opinion that this was already happening, and had been going on for some time. Unless you’re a big name, he opined, you have to tiptoe around and not make any really ‘challenging’ content, because the gatekeepers don’t like it or think it will leave them open to an activist lawsuit.

The end result of course is irreparable damage to the literary canon at all levels. Writers have a tenuous enough grasp on fiscal security as it is, mainly because, to use a UK footballing analogy, there’s a few authors in the premier league, a few in the second division, a few more in the third, but most are just at the level of a Saturday morning kick-about. The wokerati currently holding sway among editorial positions are ironically killing the industry.

The thought does strike that maybe all those whining about how ‘offended’ they and reporting people to the cops might feel much better abut themselves if they just grew the feck up.

Fortunately, at least in Ireland, the message may have seeped through to the political class, who are currently having second thoughts.\, having seen the unfolding debacle in Scotland. Although they’ve left it a bit late. Unfortunately, the Western Irish electorate doesn’t seem to be in a forgiving mood, at least if the negative comments I’ve been hearing of late are any guide.

Oh well, time to get some rest. Busy day tomorrow moving rocks. Like the one pictured below, only bigger.