Checking out

You know the MAID (Medical Assistance in dying) programme that is beiing pushed in Canada? Apparently the drugs used cause fluid build up in the lungs to the point where the recipient is literally drowning in their own body fluids. And although sedated during the process, cough reflex suppressed etc, it’s not a quick way for anyone to die.

The lady being interviewed below claims the process is like being ‘waterboarded to death’. There are other associated claims, that organ donation under MAID is mandatory and that Canada is selling the body parts thus produced. Some claim to the Chinese market.

I have previously posited that MAID is Canada’s new death penalty. 13,241 people checking out that way in 2022 alone. An increase of 30%. The availability was recently extended to those suffering from a mental illness in March 2023, so God alone knows how much of an increase that will bring. Especially when the victim is under age. Apparently a ‘mature minor’ can now request MAID, and if the parents try to intervene, they get arrested. Mission creep anyone?

I’m currently having a ‘glad I don’t live there any more’ moment.

4 thoughts on “Checking out”

  1. so when Covid was invented we were all locked up to protect the elderly and vulnerable and now they want to kill them all


    1. Apparently they were killing the elderly and vulnerable. DNRs imposed without discussion. End of life protocols imposed without consulting next of kin. Essentially medical authorities ‘did a Shipman’ on thousands of people.


  2. Whether one believes in the good Lord or not, there’s no doubt that pure evil stalks the world and appears to be winning currently.

    Why is one not at all surprised ghouls might be making a fast buck from the state’s death machine.


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