Crisis? What crisis?

Oh, you mean that crisis. Well, actually, take your pick, there’s a whole heap of them, just not the ones the lamestream keep bleating about.

Here at Chez Sticker, life trundles on. We’re keeping a weather eye on the threats to our carefully nurtured funds (Invested in both the UK and Canada) in case some political types want to nick our hard earned and give it to their mates. We’re going to shift some more of our cash for a nice holiday before the putative UK Labour administration decide to asset strip all us expats. On the pretext that we’re all exploiters, criminals and cheats instead of merely careful, thrifty folk who like travelling and who aren’t keen on funding other people’s political fads and fashions.

We’ve had a little rain recently, and temperatures have yet to climb above 19-20 Celsius this year. However, it’s been dry enough to do a few outside jobs, and tidy the place up. The front door has been tarted up, as has one of the sheds, which just needs the floor re-screeded and a power feed run in and connected.

No doubt post UK election we’ll be expected to be grateful to be ‘saved’ from whatever bullshit cause Starmers barmy army dream up, whether that is the Russo-Ukrainian war, the farcical ‘climate crisis’, ‘far right racism’, ‘Transphobia’, ‘Homophobia’, whateverphobia, as across the Irish sea the UK slides under a Tsunami of red tape and even more punitive regulations. As if you could get even more snowed under. Well, that’s the consequence of a vote for the UK mainstream parties. Give Labour a chance? To screw it all up as usual? No thank you.

Having lived through a couple of Labour administrations, I’m not terribly impressed with that side of the political spectrum. Candidly, a full frontal lobotomy would be needed for me to ever contemplate living in a Labour run UK ever again. Not that I’m going to. I’m happy where I live now, on my own ground.

However. An amusing thought just wandered aimlessly through my mind, spitballing as it went.

What if, all the disaffected Tory, Labour and normally non-voting public were to take a chance for once? Gamble on a better future rather than the managed decline than they would be subject to under a Labour administration, and the stranglehold of Net Zero. What if, individually they decided “Sod this for a lark!” and voted for the new kids on the block or independent, non party candidates?

Now that would be fun. I can hear all the rabid lefty screaming already.

Well it put a smile on my face.

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