
Today while I have been going through my daily round, there are some times when I look at the antics of the western powers that be and wonder if they’ve got less of a grip on things than a small and sweaty man on a large and very heavily greased pig.

Regarding this Ukraine business. It should be evident that the whole operatic production goes back over ten years. The government of Ukraine at that time was friendly toward Russia. Russia at the time was politically very weak and a bit of a joke militarily speaking. That was in 2014, when the US administration did to Ukraine what they had done to a number of countries around the globe, engineered a regime change so their corporate sponsors could get a foot in the door and rob the country in question blind. Like US based corporates buying up Ukrainian farmland cheap so they can make a crooked buck, with a greedy eye on the industrial and mineral resources of the Eastern Ukrainian provinces. Deals were done. Western politicians given promises of wealth and even more power. Russia was sanctioned. We were told by the chorus that this would bleed them white. Easy pickings, right?

Second act; The Russian leader listened to the cries from across the border, as western sponsored forces shelled civilian militias for eight years, whose members were fed up of being treated like second class citizens by the new, US installed regime. First Putin tried diplomacy. “Yar boo! Russians bad!” screamed the chorus of dancing media monkeys from the orchestra pit.

Enter the law of unforeseen consequences centre stage doing its greatest dance routine with a chorus line of millions.

Russian dissidents were poison gassed on two occasions. By whom we still do not know, although some sources would have you believe it was the FSB, successor to the old Soviet KGB. But why so publicly, and in such a fashion which would obviously implicate the Russians? Both poisonings were too clumsy, too overt, and having lived through the cold war, albeit as a civilian bystander, in the old days of the Soviet Smersh, which were long past with the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, and despite recent rumours that said organisation is being reformed in 2024, these assassinations just didn’t mesh with known Russian foreign policy of 2000 to 2020. Besides, it takes a while to train and infiltrate such people, Even the SOE of WWII fame couldn’t set Europe ablaze that fast.

Also, given that the UK under the Cameron administration created a behavioural ‘nudge’ (a.k.a. propaganda) unit in 2010, I don’t think any claim from that quarter or their proxies can be taken at face value. Any government that needs to manipulate public discourse as this branch of the administration does, should automatically lose their electorates trust. Not that I trust any of the greasy bastards currently in the UK cabinet office anyway. They too are likely deeply in hock to the same financial interests as the US.

Look at what happens if you try to break the power of Western cartels. the shitshow BREXIT has been turned into. The near constant lawfare Donald Trump is being subjected to. Now look at what happened to Liz Truss when she tried to pull a Thatcher. She had the IMF on her doorstep and the yanks sticking a spanner in her works before little Sunak was rapidly oiled into her place in a soft coup.

As for the UK’s own intelligence and propaganda units being turned against the UK populace during the COVID debacle. Well, now that is unprecedented, and I’m left wondering if the ‘nudge’ unit and like organisations are still active. Don’t know. I have no sources that I can rely on. But I do have a fair handle on when I’m being gaslit and bullshitted, and the needle of my bullshit detector has been bending itself around the upper stop far too often of late. Our trust has been abused to breaking point, and anyone who is not questioning everything coming out of Government sources, then I have a brand spanking new bridge I’d like you to take a look at. Special offer. Knock down price.

And it’s still working. In London, the eeejits voted their chief tormentor Sadist Khan back into the mayoral hot seat for the third time. Are those guys down there all raving masochists? Mind you, looks like voter turnout was way down. ‘North’ is moving out of the metrollops as her clientele only has court appearances once or twice a week. London is getting unlivable, at least according to her.

Third act; the proxy war is being lost because the Russki’s have shorter supply chains, and NATO has pushed their fight right onto Moscow’s doorstep, cutting off their own noses to spite their faces. Rapidly running out of Ukrainians to fight their war for them, the US administration talks about sending their own troops to do the corporates dirty work. The war hawks in the US administration tell everyone they can’t lose. Yet their proxies are being pushed back towards the Dneiper river by tactically more creative forces.

Now the ending to this grand spectacle can go two ways; either the US will push the Russians into a first strike, which is what the yank administration wants, not understanding that their Grand guignol could well result in planet Earth really switching into barbecue mode (Rather than the fantasy league version a.k.a. ‘Climate change’). All their wealth and power will mean nothing when everyone else is lightly crispy. My preferred scenario is a regime change in Kiev, rapidly followed by a ceasefire, peace talks and a neutrality treaty, giving the Russki’s peace of mind and stopping the slaughter.

2 thoughts on “Sometimes…”

  1. Very well put. Sadly, there are those who would accept the world burning, as long as they could rule over the ashes, and they are not all easy of Ukraine.



    1. Yet those who want the war to continue don’t seem to get that if the world burns, they burn with it.

      On the other hand, maybe they do and just don’t care. I don’t know which is more concerning.


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