
Joyful news arrived over the weekend that Eldest has a new job in the fabled land of Oz, where Australian brother in law has been diagnosed with a rare form of lurgi, which is fortunately not life threatening. Unlike previous, less optimistic, diagnoses over the last few weeks, which have led to a good deal of palpable tension via Skype, this latest is confirmed and is treatable, so they’re all good. Eldest will need some money while she gets established, so I’ve put financial mechanisms in place to see she doesn’t end up starving on the streets of Sydney if the new job doesn’t work out. I think of it as an investment in the future.

Oh yes, and I just put one over on a bunch of arses in the UK who thought because they had ‘lost’ a bunch of records that they didn’t have to cough up. Well I did a little judicious snooping last week and found the ‘lost’ records and references from a public online source, so come Monday morning UK time said arses should have received a little missive saying in paraphrase; “You know those files you said that you’d lost? Here are the file references and locations. Grovelling apologies in your own good time. Here’s my amended invoice. I have scanned copies. Now cough up you slimy bastards. My lawyers will be in touch.” Life can feel sooo good sometimes.

So, nothing new apart from Mrs S and I looking for a better apartment, that’s about it. Work is a little slack at present, but will no doubt pick up in the next three weeks, so we’re taking advantage of the downtime, visiting beaches, limiting our work time to a more sane fifty hours a week.

Today’s eccentric musing stares slack jawed (But in a happy way) at the latest Wikileaks and Project Veritas revelations. From the disruption of opposition rallies and ‘bussing’ of voters to other means of controlling / manipulating the press the tangled web of on camera and in writing chicanery is staggering. Hell, we’d all suspected that the corruption ran deep, but it seems that even the wildest conspiraloon ravings are but a shallow refraction of the whole. An FBI agent getting paid off (Via the wife’s account, natch) has come to light over the Clinton malfeasance. However, I’m waiting for the first insider to be caught bragging in print or on camera, even elliptically, about who has arranged the ‘offing’ of various Clinton insider whistleblowers. Now that would be interesting.

I have my bulk order in for more popcorn.

2 thoughts on “Evolutions”

  1. Saw the title, thought it was going to be PokemonGo advice…. 😦

    Congratz to eldest on new job, though 😉


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