So why should we?

A few minor revelations have slid under the door here at our little Irish domicile recently. Specifically regarding the powers that be and all these ’emergencies’ the dancing media monkeys try to convince us of. Having given the matter some thought, I don’t think the self styled ‘elites’ really believe the fairy tales they give us.

What sort of behaviour Bill, do tell. Oh, I don’t know. How about claiming we’re all going to drown because the cows are farting? Then buying up agricultural land and beachfront property. Now you’d think if they believed their own hype they’d be moving inland and investing in insect farms and fake meat factories. Well not moving inland, but for the peasants they’re investing in insect farms and fake meat, which only the most stupid peasants are buying into.

As far as being ‘healthy’ is concerned, if the fake meat and insect protein were any good, you’d think the self styled ‘elites’ would be all over it like a cheap suit, yes? Well there’s a few vids out on YouTube of some ‘celebrities’ saying how yummy it is, but you’ll forgive me for thinking that they’re just dancing to a make believe tune being played by others and will do anything if you give them enough fame and money.

I also cite the behaviour of those at the very top during the COVID pandemic, partying and carrying on as if nothing were wrong while the rest of us were in lockdown. They didn’t believe they were at risk, so why were the general public? Yes the SARS/COV-2 virus is real and quite serious to those with certain already serious conditions.

However, it is public domain that the stats have been manipulated and inflated. People who died of unrelated causes with the virus in their system, sick or not, were registered as COVID deaths. As were those put on ‘end of life’ protocols with Do Not Resuscitate orders unlawfully applied. This is a matter of public record. If you need proof, look at some of the testimony coming out of the official Scottish COVID enquiry.

People diagnosed with respiratory conditions in care homes were prescribed respiratory suppressants. DNR orders were put in place without consultation. Intubation was used improperly. There is a distinct probability that the government-imposed measures not only prolonged the pandemic, but also massively increased the death toll.

The hastily rushed ‘vaccines’ proved ineffective at controlling spread, and have even proved harmful to 1 out of 800 recipients. Occasionally fatal.

Yet the pandemic was nowhere near as bad as we have repeatedly been told. All we really needed was good diet, fresh air, sunshine and a little moderate exercise in the great outdoors. Why? Because those are the cornerstones of good health.

Instead we were forced into ineffective lockdowns. Shelter in place orders. Hide. Wear an unmedicated piece of cloth over your face. Get junk food delivered. It was known early on that the SARS/COV-2 virus was airborne, so none of these measures made any sense. All the proper science was thrown out of the window. Even the lab leak theory was confirmed in April 2020 by a group of proper scientists, not the political sort.

So, one might shrug, what can we do to stop it happening? Well, get rid of the usual suspects might be a good idea. Shake things up. There are elections coming up in the UK and Ireland, and we might do well to follow the Dutch example, kick out the mainstream parties and vote independent. I intend to use my Irish vote for non-mainstream party candidates. In the UK I will use my postal vote to support Reform UK.

Oh yes, and for those of you trotting out the tired old trope of ‘no matter who you vote form the government always gets in’. I would argue that not voting has been one of the strategies that got us to this impasse.

The truth of the matter is rather simple and goes like this; if you truly want political change, you’re going to have to vote for someone whose policies represent your views. Because that’s why the minorities get such influence. When so many take the lazy way out by refusing their franchise, the minorities vote for their interests, and will get them if the rest of us just stay home on polling day.

The UK mainstream parties (Conservative, Labour, Lib Dems, Greens) are all cheeks of the same arse and will do whatever their sponsors tell them, no matter how counter-intuitive. It’s pretty much the case over here, with Fine Gael, Fine, Fail, Sinn Feinn, Greens, etc. None of them will fix the problems of excessive migration and those created by insanities like Agenda 2030 and ‘net zero’. We’ve successfully fought off the cattle cull nonsense, but ‘Carbon reduction’ is still political gospel.

No use waiting for the ‘revolution’ either, because you’ll probably get someone else’s desired outcome. Not the one you would have preferred. Not voting will get you nothing and hand victory to the people threatening your way of life.

But I’m just a single voice on a small obscure blog, what do I matter? All I can do is to keep pointing out the bleedin’ obvious and hope a more vociferous few take up the song.

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