Watching the leaves fall

Wet and windy outdoors, so I’m busy with domestic tasks like fixing recalcitrant computer mice. One of my bluetooth meece has been playing up of late, right click barely working and the left double clicking of it’s own accord. So I looked up the instructions, stripped it down and gave my non rodentiform bit of plastic a clean out. Now it’s working perfectly. There’s a couple more like this in my spares box, so now I know how, I’ll have a couple of working spares.

Outside the wind is blowing and the rain falling with occasional bits when the clouds clear. Autumn is the season and with our first frosts Winter beckons. As I’ve said before, no matter what the TV weatherman says, 2023 has not been much of a Summer, and the only real warmth we got this year was back in May/June. The rest was a washout. In 2021 / 2 I had to water our plant pots once a week. This year, nary a once. Indeed overwatering has become an issue.

Watching the online stuff, I’m minded to observe how much modern politics is like organised crime. Corruption, fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, theft and murder seem more common than within the general population. Yet do we see arrests and prosecutions? No.

Despite all their pretty words, our elected leaders antics resemble those more of 1930’s hoodlums than world leaders, not to mention those extranational entities like the WEF. Can I point to corruption? Certainly. It’s hard to not find it if you look below the surface. Fraud? Oh yes. Murder? If not that, the definitely corporate manslaughter. Poisoning in particular, especially over the last few years. These people make Capone et al look like rank amateurs. Yet rarely in the West is anyone from the political class arrested and charged. What happened to equality under the law?

Yet what do we hear? “Lessons will be learned” By whom? The public, certainly. Who pays the price for glaring public policy errors? The public also does, either through taxes, or more ominously with our lives. Often on the back of some very bad information indeed.

So how do we fix this situation? Who pays the piper? The politicians? They who claim to work for the public will, the West being nominal democracies? Or can they just say they bowed to public pressure?

How about the progenitors of the bad information? Neil Ferguson and his bogus models spring to mind as a classic example. He who openly flaunted the lockdown rules while pushing for worse. He whose modelling has resulted in public policy disaster more than once. Why is he not in the dock pleading for his life? That smug and arrogant bastard deserves to be. And he’s not the only one.

Then there are the policymakers who only demand ‘worst case scenario’s’. Why? Who gave them that brief? Why don’t they look at the full range?

Then how about the “If it bleeds it leads” media? “Oo no guv”, they will claim “We just reported the facts” which they didn’t. Yet who were loudest at shouting down dissenting voices, rubbishing reputable scientific sources that didn’t go along with the ‘approved narrative’?

Yes there’s a lot of blame to go around. The damage has been done. But the key question remains; how do we fix things? Stop the wars, end the corruption, restore trade links. Something has to give.

The seasons turn, the leaves fall, and the laws of nature say that there will be a reckoning. What form that takes is a matter for speculation.

5 thoughts on “Watching the leaves fall”

  1. It is unfair to compare government to organised crime.

    With OC if I pay for protection and some lout smashes my windows our local crime lord will send someone around to break the louts legs. Government gives me a crime number.

    Plus OC keeps its promises.


    1. Organised crime law enforcement more efficient than Government? How are they on roads and utilities? Do they leave horses heads in the beds of contractors beds if the roads have too many potholes?


      1. They are more effective than government. It is easy to see as they make massive profits whilst governments have to increase taxes and make up new taxes whilst still borrowing more and more. They focus on their key demographic and they don’t think they will make a profit from roads and utilities so they keep out of that. Again that makes them more efficient from a government that sticks its oar into everything yet does nothing.

        As they don’t deal with potholes they can reserve the horse heads for the more important tasks.


  2. “…2023 has not been much of a Summer…”
    Bloody hell, Bill; 2023 has been the warmest in the last 125,000 years. That’s true ‘cos a man in a white coat said so on television.
    You must be one of those nuts who deny the existence of a climate.


    1. Man in white coat should get out a bit more in my humble opinion.

      And as for denying climate, what the bloody hell does everyone think that is dumping all this rain on us? Oh silly me I forgot. Every warmish day is ‘climate’, while all the rain bucketing down is just ‘weather’.


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