It’s not just me

According to some I’m a deluded fool with a room temperature IQ and ‘science denier’ (A term only used by the severely intellectually challenged) because I’m opposed to lockdowns and masks. Well that is a possibility. I will leave other people to judge.

However, Governor DeSantis, the man who opened Florida has a panel of Epidemiologists and experts who explain why lockdowns don’t and can’t work. How mathematical models have failed to predict outcomes. How people in power have ignored the data. Not just in the USA, but across the Anglosphere and ‘developed’ West.

Yes, the round table discussion is an hour and forty five long. However, the experts confirm my contention that the masks and lockdowns have been a waste of time and furthermore disastrous to human life and the economy in general. Because people are the economy. Restrict them and it all eventually goes to hell.

It’s societal suicide.

I repeat myself; anyone still supporting and enforcing these harmful measures has blood on their hands. Anyone who has ratted on a neighbour for having friends over for visits. Media cheerleaders. Nasty evil and ignorant people who are so overcome with fear that they have lost all reason.

Still not convinced lockdowns are bad public policy? Then you’re part of the problem.

Now I need tea to get the nasty taste out of my mouth.