Bee told

Finally got up to my hives this afternoon for an inspection and perhaps a little cropping. I cleaned out my spinner (A device for extracting honey from frames) and plodded up the meadow. Two colonies have survived. One with vigour, the other looking a bit lackadaisical.

Upon opening the hives, I could see the frames in the super weren’t all that great. So I closed up without cropping. The hives are in better condition than last year, but not by that much. The weather has been too cold and wet, so they’ve been living off last years honey. Which means no surplus for me. Not until August, if experience is anything to go by. If we get a reasonable Summer.

RTE and the BBC are still busy gaslighting us all, saying we shouldn’t believe the evidence of our own lying eyes, and believe their cant, saying we’ll all boil alive.

My bees are telling me a different story.

2 thoughts on “Bee told”

  1. And with the continuing loss of farmland to build yet more houses or solar panels, honey may soon be in short supply everywhere,


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