Another mere strinkling

A thin fall of snow overnight has dusted the house and grounds with a fine coat of whiteness. At the time of writing, flakes are dancing outside my office window. This is the third time this year, which is more than the two times we had this kind of fall in 2022 and ’23. The thought occurs that I should spend a few pennies on a weather station and keep my own records.

Doesn’t really matter now, as my shed roofs are now leak proof and I can work at clearing out and refurbishing without water dripping down the back of my neck. Which is nice. Then I only have to get rid of a few more rotten timbers and treat the rest.

Talking of rot; watched this video doing a scientific analysis on the novel clotting phenomena now being associated with the mRNA ‘vaccines’.

To me it made sense, although we need a little more information on who is susceptible to this form of clotting. Seeing as the mRNA ‘vaccines’ were never proven to do anything they were claimed to, and a lot more we should have been told about before their mass roll out.

I keep on telling myself, that like the snow, this too may pass, but I’m not so sure any more.

2 thoughts on “Another mere strinkling”

  1. Yet they tell us that February was the “warmest month in record” ,what an utter crock. I maintain that the so called “ green agenda “ replaced the anti nuclear goons who lost that particular argument and had to find some other argument to lose. Plus of course governments want the tax revenue to waste.


    1. Yes, and I’ve noticed that the ‘data’ for these claims is often cherry picked from either places no one can verify. like offshore, or a point source liable to human interference, like airports.


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