Hottest year evah!

Caught a look at the alarming UK weather reports the other day, then checked my three thermometers. Yup. Fifteen degrees Celsius. Raining on and off. Too wet to do a silage cut on the meadows. Borderline for hive inspections / honey cropping, and I’m not opening a hive while it’s raining.

Right, so what’s all the fuss about? If anything it’s cooler (and wetter) than average. Double checked Met Eirann. Nope. Wet and cool they say. So what’s the deal with the UK weather people and their red and black maps of doom? Personally I think someone’s dumped a truckload of hallucinogens in the London water supply, because what the south eastern UK media class is having a meltdown about just isn’t happening. At least not here in the wilder west of Ireland.

Agreed there are some places warmer than average, but nothing really out of the ordinary. Besides, here in the northern hemisphere this is Summer and nothing to get one’s panties in a bunch about. The ice caps aren’t melting, the global sea level isn’t rising precipitously. Even the number of tropical storms is lower than a century ago. So why this need to be in a permanent state of weather related panic?

As an aside; the current run of weather reminds me of the Summers of 1977-1983 when it was damper than average in the British Isles. After the drought of 1976 when I first got a motorcycle, those years were a significant disappointment weatherwise. I often got very wet and cold on my usual 20 mile plus commutes.

Yet the powers that be are still rambling on about how their ‘Net Zero’ policies will ‘save the planet’.

What are these people on? Perhaps they could benefit from getting out more? Oh noes! They can’t do that. Because didn’t you know that the countryside is waaaaaycist!

Which might come as a shock to all the birds and animals outside my window. Oh dearie, dearie me.

2 thoughts on “Hottest year evah!”

  1. Here on the East Lincs coast at about 53N (not far off you and Grandad, I think) and 10 miles east of the Greenwich Meridian neither of our two thermometers showed much above 15 degrees till Friday June 9th. A fortnight’s warm spell, temps up to 24, then cooling to 16/18 for the rest of the month. July, sunshine and showers every day so far, more like April. Hot in the sunny spells though.
    Ah well, there’s still August to come…


    1. Similar story over here. We had a weeks dry spell in June, but the rest of the time it’s been drizzle or downpour with grey skies occasionally punctuated with a little blue.

      Frankly I think the mainstream are so full of their own bullshit I should hire them out to do a little impromptu field fertilisation.


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