Swallows and snails

The sight of swallows elegantly dogfighting around our property is often a sight to gladden the heart. Unfortunately their nests can create problems. In or around my sheds I don’t care, they’re welcome to build a nest under the rafters in my workshop. Under the eaves of the house or in our open porch it’s a different matter.

Swallows and House Martins build nests in surprising places. I’ve seen them on mains cables, wedged between drainpipes and walls, but you can always tell because of the noisome droppings on the ground, which are a nuisance to clean up after, and more than a bit of a health hazard.

In order to stop the little tinkers setting up home in my porch, I spent a couple of Euros on some cheap plastic fruit netting and stapled it so that it hangs down under the porch light. Just enough so our little migrants can’t spit mud (Which is how they build their nests) into the corner of my front porch. The swallows don’t like it, as the netting touches their heads and wings as they try to find the best corner, and I’m often entertained by a outraged chittering outside the front door as a pair try to set up shop and find their way interdicted. Most of the time they get the hint and move on. All right, I know I’m contributing to the migrant homelessness ‘crisis’, but I’m a happier man because my porch doesn’t get spattered with bird shit.

The other pest problem I have is with slugs and snails, and there’s nothing for it but to generously sprinkle slug pellets around my flower and vegetable patches, otherwise I’d hardly have a blossom left. Could of course put some beer traps down, but given the taxes on beer, I’d rather the slugs and snails paid for their own alcofrolic beverages.

In the news; children and pregnant women given the Pfizer ‘vaccines’ suffered from causes directly attributed to the poorly tested, emergency use only injection the politicians were trying to force on everyone. Watch the video below.

Pity I can’t feed slug killer to the Pfizer execs and politicians, the cheerleading mainstream, the WHO and all those who pushed for us all to have this ;miracle cure’ which is as bad as the disease it was supposed to fix. As for the censors and enforcers? Blood on their hands, all of them. They’re a pest species.

Pfizer knew. The politicians knew. They conned us all.

No more trust, No forgiveness. Not fit for purpose.