Sent packing

Posting will be patchy for the next month or so. Sometimes you make a decision because you’re pushed into it and have to move fast and follow through then have to deal with the fallout. Today all sorts of things have come to a head and up until last night was feeling several glitters short of a Sparkle after last weeks scan. Add to that our current domicile being totally upended, with movers and deliveries arriving at the same time. Old sofabed has been disposed of with minimum disruption to the core business function of the household and a new King size (Wonderful) bed built and now in use. Despite recent recurrences of fever incurred insomnia.

The lounge is full of boxes as yet unfilled and all our books are in boxes. The kitchen, well, let’s just not go there. The whole apartment looks like it’s been bombed with cardboard cluster munitions. Because of my current illness I’m feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck and yet busy as a nut hunting squirrel letter writing to relatives and friends to let them know where we’re going and when. It will all come good. The trick is not to stop half way.

Notwithstanding, despite current illness, which is not what the Doctor and I thought it was, but a genetic condition which won’t actually kill me, but will intrude unpleasantly from time to time, I’m pretty good.  Currently having a few days off in Vancouver and catching up on sleep.  For the first time in months I’m feeling relaxed and totally centred, which is nice.  There’s a sensation of having turned a corner, despite tripping over noisy demonstrators and the occasional beggar who can’t keep his nose out of my business.  Apparently because I didn’t want his ‘help’, which I didn’t ask for, I’m a “Cruel and bombastic person.”  Well, yes and no.  Cruel in that I don’t care about the rude whining of other people when they try to butt into my business uninvited, and bombastic in that I didn’t ask for something, now bugger off and let me get on with things in my own way.  Which was visit a motorcycle dealership to check out the kit and make some informed decisions about protective clothing for next year.  Task accomplished and decisions have been made with a clear head.

If there’s one thing that does annoy the fuck out of me about life on the wet coast is random strangers talking at me without invitation or an “Excuse me.”, like they’re the fount of all fricking wisdom.  I like my own space, and while not a total misanthrope, can see the appeal of such a lifestyle.

Any old road up.  I see things are business as usual in the old country. Cracking down on ‘porn’ and increasing the snooping laws when the economy is the thing that matters. I think Trump has it right. It doesn’t matter what you are and what you think so long as you’re getting on with stuff and adding value.

The ‘experts’ (funny how they’re so often wrong, mm?) allegedly want us to live forever (Until we are no longer useful and can be disposed of neatly so as not to be a ‘nuisance’ in our dribbling dotages) on a meat-free, smoke free, sugar free diet while all our real freedoms fade.

There is a thing called ‘quality of life’ which is represented by a triangle of mental, physical, and spiritual parts of our being.  The overarching glue linking all three is the freedom to choose.  Take away that freedom, and quality of life suffers.  Which is something the busybodies and puritans are incapable of understanding.

4 thoughts on “Sent packing”

    1. The moral of that tale is don’t mix a Roomba with puppies and four year old children.

      As for Mrs S and I, we’ll do okay. As far as we’re concerned our current chaos is all part of life’s great tapestry. We’d only get bored otherwise.


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