A grandiose plan

Youngest is with us for a weeks visit, so I took her out to the movies this afternoon whilst Mrs S got ahead of her work so we can all bunk off tomorrow. The movie was ‘Everest‘ which made me jolly glad walking out of the theatre into bright sunshine after watching all that cold in 3D and wraparound. Blood and sand. I almost got frostbite just watching it.

What made my BullShit antenna twitch madly wasn’t the movie, but an advert, an animated cartoon of cute furry animals being talked down to by of all things a Llama (Or was it an Alpaca – I wasn’t sure) at the United Nations. Essentially the UN have a plan to promote ‘Social Justice’, ‘Wealth Redistribution’ and combat ‘Climate Change’, which can be translated as follows; the United Nations want to steal everyone else’s property and give it to their friends. Which won’t be us plebs. We’ll all be at the back of the Soup kitchen queue (providing of course anyone has anything left to make soup with) whilst behind locked security gates, the ‘in crowd’ will be dining the best food off fine china and drinking the finest wines while billions starve. But apparently they can’t make it happen without our help. Which is why I won’t be giving them any. Unlike all the luvvies who think this is a jolly good wheeze and would sell out their own grandmothers and children for a place at top table.

I seem to recall hearing once that the late and unlamented Osama Bin Laden once plotted to blow up the UN building. I’m beginning to think he had a point. Which is why this excerpt from ‘Kingsman – The Secret Service’ where all the politicians and their hangers on share a truly mind blowing experience, which they’d intended to give to the hoi polloi, always puts a smile on my face. Happy viewing.

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